Add your name: Demand Georgia election officials protect our vote

Georgia election officials

Georgia's 2018 statewide elections were marred by rampant voter suppression.

Hundreds of thousands of voters were purged from the rolls and more than 50,000 voter registration applications were rejected. On Election Day, there were mass reports of machine malfunctions, five-hour lines, and voting machine shortages. Unsurprisingly, most of these barriers impacted Black voters.

As Georgians gear up for elections in November and the presidential contest in 2020, we must hold state election officials' feet to the fire and demand that every eligible voter is able to cast a vote.

The stakes are high. Georgia's 2019 municipal elections will decide who sits in the local offices that often have much closer, daily impact on our lives than federal elections. The 2020 federal elections provide an opportunity to undo some of the most heinous and discriminatory laws and policies enacted in the past several years.

Voter suppression purposefully silences the people who are most vulnerable to discriminatory legislative attacks. We cannot rest while our constitutional right to vote is chipped away, while more and more polling places are closed and some politicians work overtime to make it even harder to cast a ballot.

Fighting voter suppression is the only way to ensure that Georgians have fair and democratic elections.

Sign the petition to Georgia's election officials: End voter suppression. The time to protect our vote is NOW.
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To: Georgia election officials
From: [Your Name]

Voting is a constitutional right which much be defended. It must also be made as easy and accessible as possible. Georgia's election system needs to be overhauled, and must eliminate all voter suppression tactics now.