AFL-CIO: Friends Don't Let Friends Endorse Trump


-- Español Abajo--

During last night's presidential debate, Donald Trump boasted that he was endorsed by the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council that represents ICE ( U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). This union is a member of the AFL-CIO, the largest union in the country that proclaims itself as progressive and pro-immigration.

To the immigrant community, ICE represents fear and terror. ICE raids our communities, workplaces, and homes to detain our family members and deport them without due process. ICE tears our families apart, terrorizes our communities, and is a looming fear that we face every day as undocumented immigrants.

In the event of a Trump presidency, ICE would be empowered to ramp up mass deportations to unprecedented levels. We, as undocumented immigrants, would be vulnerable to ICE agents anywhere we go-- grocery stores, work, hospitals, etc.

The AFL-CIO has called for an end to mass deportations, the scapegoating of immigrants to stop, and for comprehensive immigration reform to ensure a pathway to citizenship for immigrant workers. Local unions are pushing for progressive changes that protect immigrant workers, but the AFL-CIO leadership cannot, in good conscious, allow their member union to endorse Donald Trump. We want the AFL-CIO to do more than just release statements in support of immigration reform, we want you to hold your union members accountable for upholding those same values. Tell the AFL-CIO to revoke the membership of the National Immigration Customs Enforcement Council.

-- Español --

Anoche durante el debate presidencial, Donald Trump presumía al decir que el sindicato de oficiales de inmigración (ICE) lo estaba apoyando públicamente. Este sindicato, miembro del AFL-CIO, uno de los sindicatos más grandes del país y se proclama pro-inmigrante y progresivo.

Para la comunidad inmigrante, los agentes de inmigración (ICE) representan miedo y terror. ICE hace redadas en nuestras comunidades, lugares de trabajo y hogares para detener a nuestros familiares y deportarlos.

En el caso de una posible gobierno de Donald Trump, los agentes de ICE estarías más que empoderados para comenzar a perseguir a nuestra gente en números masivos. Nosotrxs como comunidad indocumentada seremos muy vulnerable ya que estos agentes estarán podrían estar en cualquier lugar, super mercados, centros laborales, hospitales, etc.

El AFL-CIO ha salido en contra de las deportaciones, el abuso de la comunidad indocumentada y hasta apoyando a la reforma migratoria. Pero ese mismo sindicato no puede, en una buena conciencia, dejar que el sindicato de ICE sea un miembro de ellos. El mismo que está apoyando a Donald Trump. Nosotrxs queremos que el AFL-CIO haga más que solamente decirnos con palabras que nos apoyan y que tomen acción, al revocar la membresía del sindicato de oficiales de inmigración.

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You must revoke the membership of the National Immigration Customs Enforcement Council in the union after their endorsement of Donald Trump for president.

To the immigrant community, ICE represents fear and terror. ICE raids our communities, workplaces, and homes to detain our family members and deport them without due process. ICE tears our families apart, terrorizes our communities, and is a looming fear that we face every day as undocumented immigrants.

In the event of a Trump presidency, ICE would be empowered to ramp up mass deportations to unprecedented levels. We, as undocumented immigrants, would be vulnerable to ICE agents anywhere we go-- grocery stores, work, hospitals, etc.

Stand with undocumented immigrants and revoke their membership.