Demand California Borough Amend Fracking Ordinance

California Borough Council Members and Planning Committee Members

California Borough is considering a new draft zoning ordinance which will regulate where unconventional oil and gas ("Fracking") activity may happen within the Borough. Sections 407 and 421 are specifically related to this industry's activity.

As written, there is inadequate protection for residents who will live near this infrastructure in the future. The proposed setback distance for a well pad is 500 feet from a protected structure - but measured from where? 500 feet is insufficient to protect residents living near the infrastructure, both for prolonged exposure to pollutants and also in the event of a catastrophe (explosion, fire, etc).

We need our elected officials to represent us and to protect our health, safety, and peace of mind. If you believe that California Borough should adopt the most protective ordinance possible, sign this petition.

To: California Borough Council Members and Planning Committee Members
From: [Your Name]

I am writing to you today because I am concerned about the health and safety of California Borough residents. As written, the draft zoning ordinance will be ineffective at protecting residents from the harmful effects of unconventional oil and gas activity.

Protective ordinances are crucial for safeguarding residents, especially our most vulnerable populations, from the harmful impacts of industrial unconventional oil and gas-related activities. There is a growing body of peer-reviewed research that shows a correlation between living close to shale gas facilities and negative health impacts. California Borough has a responsibility to protect children and other residents against harm at school and in their homes by ensuring that industrial infrastructure is kept away from where people live and go to school.

As a concerned resident, I implore you to consider the following highly crucial amendments to the draft zoning ordinance:
- Maintain a setback distance of at least 2500ft from any protected structure to a compressor station, measured from the compressor's property line;
- Maintain a setback distance of 2500ft from any protected structure to a well pad, measured from the edge of the well pad;
- Prohibit all unconventional oil and gas activity within all Residential zones.

Other language and provisions should be addressed, and I hope you will seriously consider the public comments given at the hearing on September 6th. Remember your duty, as a trustee of our natural resources, to protect our "right to clean air, pure water," and to preserve "the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment."

Thank you.