Amend the Law and Redevelop Security Square Mall in Baltimore County (closes 5/11/2021)

County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr; Councilman Tom Quirk; Councilman Julian Jones, Jr.; Delegate Ben Brooks; Delegate Jay Jalisi; Delegate Adrienne Jones; Delegate Shelia Ruth; Delegate Pat Young; Senator Charles Sydnor, III; and Senator Delores Kelley

Petition by

To: County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr; Councilman Tom Quirk; Councilman Julian Jones, Jr.; Delegate Ben Brooks; Delegate Jay Jalisi; Delegate Adrienne Jones; Delegate Shelia Ruth; Delegate Pat Young; Senator Charles Sydnor, III; and Senator Delores Kelley
From: [Your Name]

We, a group of residents residing in Baltimore County's District 1 and District 4 (zip codes: 21228, 21244 and 21207) along with supporters, have concerns about the blighted, unkempt condition of Security Square Mall and the surrounding buildings & area that has persisted for more than 20 years. The property has deteriorated and unoccupied buildings, huge potholes on the roads and parking lots, trash and garbage along the outskirts and medians of Security Blvd and Rolling Rd which often ends up in our storm water drains, and has become a haven for panhandlers. The property’s condition is unsightly, unsafe, and environmentally unsanitary. Despite our persistent individual efforts to contact our local representatives, government agencies and the property owners for resolution, the property continues to deteriorate due to a conflict in decision making for new development. This is unacceptable and leaves a void for the Baltimore County residents who wish to shop locally and for those employed in the retail industry, to work locally.

We request our Councilman and Representatives to introduce and/or amend our laws immediately and without further unnecessary delay that results in the following:

• Increasing the penalty fees on commercial properties by at least 50% for each repeat code enforcement violation within 90 days or reasonable time-period. We want the revenue to benefit beautification initiatives for local neighborhoods negatively impacted by the property owners’ neglect.

• The intervention of Baltimore County Government or State of Maryland to mediate, oversee and direct the resolution process for commercial properties with multiple owners whose internal conflict negatively impacts the well-being of the greater community for more than 365 days.

Furthermore, we respectfully request the beautification, and redevelopment of Security Square Mall as a premiere shopping district in southwest Baltimore County. We would appreciate your response to this matter along with quarterly updates on progress made towards our requests. If you have any questions, you may contact Danielle Singley, Mary Breland and any of the individuals listed within this petition.


Residents and Supporters of Baltimore County’s District 1 and District 4.