Ban Dog Meat in S. Korea

S. Korean Ambassador Joe Yoon Je

S. Korea is the only country in the world with large-scale, commercial dog meat farms. The animals live in disease and filth, and at slaughter are often savagely beaten just because people believe torture makes the meat taste better.

But two new proposals -- one from Parliament Member Lee Sang-don, and the other from Parliament Member Pyo Chang-won -- could end this cruel trade for good.

We must speak out to help this lifesaving legislation succeed.

If we do nothing, summer will once again bring the gruesome Bok Nal Dog Eating Days, when millions of dogs are strung up, hung by the neck in a slow, painful death, and butchered for meat.

During Bok Nal -- which occurs over three days believed to be the hottest of the season -- more dogs are killed and eaten in the country than during the entire rest of the year, usually in the form of boshintang, or dog meat soup.

The dog meat is wrongly thought to have a "cooling effect" -- even though in other parts of Asia, it is believed to have the opposite effect, and is eaten in winter instead.

S. Korea's current leader, President Moon Jae-In, has compassion for animals and has even adopted a dog rescued from the meat trade, named Tory. Furthermore, activists throughout S. Korea are calling for an end to dog and cat meat, which is not only horrifically cruel, but tarnishes their international reputation. Most S. Koreans do not eat dog meat, and want the cruelty to end.

Sign this petition to urge S. Korean Ambassador Joe Yoon Je and President Moon to show the world they are a great and compassionate nation, and work to pass these bills and end all dog and cat meat in the nation.

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Los Angeles, CA

To: S. Korean Ambassador Joe Yoon Je
From: [Your Name]

I respectfully urge you to push for a law banning the cruel dog and cat meat trade in S. Korea, where millions of innocent animals are raised in deplorable conditions, tortured by hanging, beating and electrocution, and brutally killed.

As a progressive nation, S. Korea must move past this part of their history, which stirs outcry among activist both within your nation and around the world.

Please do what is right for the animals and for your country, and ban the dog and cat meat industry for good.