Ban Glyphosate spraying in Eastbourne, Jevington and Willingdon

Councillor Jonathan Dow, Lead Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Eastbourne Borough Council, East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Council and East Sussex Highways

Glyphosate has been classed as a probable carcinogen by the IARC/WHO and should therefore be banned. Spraying of this chemical must stop immediately.

Petition by
Stockton, United Kingdom

To: Councillor Jonathan Dow, Lead Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Eastbourne Borough Council, East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Council and East Sussex Highways
From: [Your Name]

Eastbourne Borough Council, East Sussex County Council and East Sussex Highways continue to use Glyphosate in Eastbourne, Willingdon and Jevington despite concerns and opposition. This substance needs to be banned with immediate effect.

East Sussex Highways will be spraying a glyphosate based herbicide at the beginning of August as part of their annual round of spraying. This should not go ahead.
Glyphosate is a potential danger to human and animal health. Glyphosate has been classed as a probable carcinogen by the IARC/WHO. The current practice of spraying from a mini tractor is ineffective against persistent weeds. The councils therefore need to come up with more effective and environmentally friendly strategies to control weeds. The Pesticides Action Network states that over 40 councils have banned the use of Glyphosate. It is time for ESCC and EBC to follow suit.

When Glyphosate is sprayed flora and fauna are exposed. Although glyphosate targets unwanted plants, other organisms may be affected leading to threats to biodiversity and human health. Glyphosate is indiscriminate and its use should be banned immediately.