Bath Doesn’t Need Another Lidl
Bath Rugby

Dear Bath Resident,
We don't need another Lidl.
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Bath Rugby
[Your Name]
Bath doesn’t need another Lidl.
We are residents and local business owners of Bath, and this petition is to ask you to place the interests of the community above your business interests.
The pandemic was tough for everyone, most businesses lost money. But we ask you—do you really need to sell off a woodland and sports training ground along the river Avon so Lidl can open a second store in Bath?
Opening another Lidl store on the London Road will mean:
• Losing trees and wildlife in one of the last wooded areas in the city of Bath on the River Avon
• Adding traffic congestion to the already clogged London Road
• Increasing air pollution on the London Road, which has harmful levels of nitrogen dioxide already above EU limits
• Threatening the future of the thriving local independent stores in Larkhall where hundreds of local people are employed
• Inviting in Lidl, the supermarket that received Ethical Consumer’s worst rating for the management of worker’s rights in its supply change
We ask you to have a rethink. How can you best serve the city that loves and supports you? Bath needs more support for its independent local businesses, green spaces and wildlife habitats, and more places for our children to play. Bath needs less traffic and less air pollution.
Bath doesn’t need another Lidl.
Residents of Bath