All Members of Congress

The Honest Ads Act, recently introduced by 29 Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate, is the best first step to stopping hidden, foreign disinformation campaigns in our elections.

This bill, introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mark Warner (D-VA), as well as 26 Democrats and Republicans in the House, would safeguard U.S. politics from foreign interference, subject online political ads to rules modeled on those in place for TV/radio, and allow voters to know who is trying to influence them.

Below, find a list of all 29 original co-sponsors of this critical legislation, and then add your name as a grassroots co-signer today!

Republicans Democrats

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI)
Representative John Katko (R-NY)
Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)
Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI)
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Representative David B. McKinley (R-WV)
Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE)
Representative Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR)
Representative Don Bacon (R-NE)
Representative Pete Stauber (R-MN)
Representative Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)
Representative Derek Kilmer (D-WA)
Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD)
Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY)
Representative Charlie Crist (D-FL)
Representative Thomas Suozzi (D-NY)
Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-CA)
Representative Bradley Schneider (D-IL)
Representative Jim Costa (D-CA)
Representative Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Representative Scott Peters (D-CA)
Representative Adam Smith (D-WA)
Representative Kurt Schrader (D-OR)
Representative Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM)

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Washington, DC
Additional Sponsors
Washington, DC

To: All Members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

The bipartisan Honest Ads Act is critical to safeguarding our democracy from foreign interference. Now is the time for Congress to unite behind this bill to stop hidden, foreign disinformation campaigns in our elections. We call on Congress to immediately pass the Honest Ads Act and take the best first step toward defending our democracy.