Berkshire Hathaway

We call on Berkshire Hathaway to respect communities of color in all aspects of its businesses. Berkshire Hathaway should immediately disavow alleged discriminatory lending practices, cooperate fully with the federal civil rights investigation of Clayton Homes, stop lobbying Congress to remove consumer protections from mobile home buyers, and endorse the right of workers to form unions. As United Airlines’ second-largest shareholder, Berkshire Hathaway should respect immigrant workers by supporting the right of United Airlines catering workers to hold a union election immediately and without interference.

To: Berkshire Hathaway
From: [Your Name]

I'm calling on Berkshire Hathaway to respect communities of color in all aspects of its businesses. Berkshire Hathaway should immediately disavow alleged discriminatory lending practices, cooperate fully with the federal civil rights investigation of Clayton Homes, stop lobbying Congress to remove consumer protections from mobile home buyers and endorse the right of workers to form unions. As United Airlines’ second-largest shareholder, Berkshire Hathaway should respect immigrant workers by supporting the right of United Airlines catering workers to hold a union election immediately and without interference.