Bicycle Friendly Roads in Springfield and Western Illinois
Illinois Department of Transportation District 6

Ride Illinois has recently reviewed upcoming road projects planned over the next five years in IDOT District 6 which includes Springfield and Western Illinois. We have selected 17 road projects and submitted detailed letters asking for improved bicycling conditions in the designs. Our requests, which you can read here, focus on priority locations and provide suggestions for improvements at an appropriate level for the scope of these projects.
We need your help to reinforce our request to IDOT, and let them know that local residents would like to see bike friendly roads in their communities. If you live in one of these areas, please take a moment to sign our petition and ask IDOT to implement our road design recommendations.
Illinois Department of Transportation District 6
[Your Name]
I strongly support Ride Illinois' recommendations to improve bicycling conditions in upcoming IDOT District 6 road projects. Including these reasonable bicycle accommodations in the designs will not only make our roads bicycle friendly, they will also make our roads safer for all road users. As a resident and cyclist, I urge you to adopt Ride Illinois' recommendations.