Are You ‘All In’ with UAW Autoworkers?

Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis CEOs

Union contracts for 150,000 UAW autoworkers at the Big Three expired on September 14. It’s going to take the unity and strength of every UAW member, union, community and political ally to win what autoworkers and every worker deserves.

Ford, GM and Stellantis/Chrysler have made a QUARTER-TRILLION DOLLARS in North American profits in the last ten years. With their extreme profits, they can afford UAW Members’ Demands:

  • END TIERS. Equal pay for equal work.
  • FAIR PAY & COLA. Restore Cost-of-Living Adjustments that built the middle class.
  • JOB SECURITY & JUST TRANSITION TO EVs. Stop plant closures and make EVery auto job a good job.

Tell the Big Three CEOs Record Profits Mean Record Contracts.

Workers Deserve Fair Pay and the Big Three Can Afford It.

Add your name and sign the petition to show you’ve got 150,000 UAW members’ backs!

To: Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis CEOs
From: [Your Name]

Autoworkers sacrificed to save your companies and the U.S. economy when it was needed most. Now your corporations are making record profits and it’s well past time autoworkers were made whole for the sacrifices they made.

• End Tiers. Autoworkers deserve equal pay for equal work. The companies’ “divide and conquer” strategy has created a race to the bottom inside our plants. The abuse of temps, subsidiaries, and second-tier workers must end.

• Restore the Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA) and fair pay they sacrificed 14 years ago. With record-breaking profits, your company should restore COLA and the same 40% average raises the CEOs received.

• Job security and a just transition to EVs. Automakers are closing even profitable plants. The Big Three are killing jobs and destroying communities. That must stop. The government is giving billions of dollars in EV subsidies to the Big Three, yet workers at their new battery plants are stuck in low-wage and high-risk jobs. The EV transition is a historic opportunity to raise autoworker standards instead of lowering them.

We must get this right. Every auto job in America must be a union job with strong UAW pay and safety standards. It’s up to you to ensure we protect the American Dream.

In Unity,