I Stand with the Teamsters. I'm Boycotting Bigfoot.
Bigfoot Beverages

Teamsters were forced to go on strike by Bigfoot Beverages because the company is trying to take away workers’ pensions. Sign your name to promise you won't buy any products distributed by Bigfoot until the strike has been resolved and the company promises to keep its paws off Teamsters' retirement.
Here's the List of products distributed by Bigfoot Beverages in Bend, Corvallis, Coos Bay, Eugene, Newport, Roseburg, and Springfield, Oregon:
- Pepsi
- Mountain Dew
- Starry Lemon Lime
- Dr. Pepper
- Bundaberg
- Crush
- Manzanita Sol
- Mug Root Beer
- Schweppes
- Squirt
- Aquafina
- Gatorade
- Crystal Geyser
- Crystal Cascade
- Essentia
- Gatorade Water
- Gatorade Zero
- Gatorlyte
- Life Wtr
- Propel Electrolyte Water
- Proud Source Spring Water
- Monster Tour Water
- Yesly
- Rockstar
- C4
- Celsius
- Fast Twitch
- Mtn Dew Amp
- Mtn Dew Kickstart
- Starbucks Doubleshot Energy
- Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso
- Starbucks Tripleshot Espresso
Sparkling Water
- Bubly
- Bubblr
- Polar Seltzer
- Polar Sparking Frost
- Proud Source
- Monster Tour Valley
- Pure Leaf
- Lipton
- Brisk
- Yachak
- Starbucks Cold Brew
- Starbucks Doubleshot Energy
- Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso
- Starbucks Tripleshot Espresso
- Starbucks Frappuccino
- Takelma
- Vittoria
- Allans
- Cycletown
- Global Delights
- Humm
- GT’s
- Humm Zero
- Kevita
- Naked
- Rebbl
- Hog Wash
- Naked
- Ocean Spray
- Tropicana
Alcohol/Other Products
PLEASE NOTE: We ARE NOT calling for boycotts of local breweries.
- 21st Amendment
- Ace
- Acscendant
- Arch Rock
- Ashland Hard
- Avid
- Ayinger
- Bale Breaker
- Bauman's
- Bear Republic
- Bend Brewing
- Best Day
- Big Sipe
- Blake's
- Boochcraft
- Bouy
- Breakside
- Cerveceria Norte
- Cider Boys
- Cigar City
- Clarity
- Clubtails
- Cold Fire
- Cyderish
- D's Wicked
- Deluxe
- Earthquake
- Ecliptic
- Eel River
- Estrella Dam
- Flying Embers
- Fort George
- Founders
- Fourloko
- Ghostfish
- Gigantic
- Goodlife
- Green's
- Groundbreaker
- Hard Arizona Tea
- Hard Lipton Tea
- Hard Monster "The Beast"
- Hard Mountain Dew
- Heidelberg
- Incline
- Johnny Bootlegger
- Juneshine
- King Family Hard
- La Familia
- Laurelwood
- Lindeman's
- Merchant du Vin
- Monkless
- Moosehead
- Mother Earch
- Mucho Aloha
- Naragansett
- Ninkasi
- North Coast
- Oakshire
- Pelican
- Pinkus Organic
- Pirate Water
- Planktown
- Portland
- Radeberger
- Reuben's
- Sam Smith's
- Samuel Smith's
- San Juan
- Schofferhofer
- Seven Peaks
- Shotty's
- Singha
- Steeplejack
- Sunriver
- Trappistes Rochefort
- Traquair
- Tynt Meadow
- Uinta
- Voyage Hard Tea
- Wellbeing
- Westmalle
- Wild Basin
- Zoiglhaus
- Zundert
Sponsored by
Bigfoot Beverages
[Your Name]
I am disgusted and disappointed that Bigfoot Beverages, one of the largest beer and soft-drink distributors in the Pacific Northwest, is trying to gut workers’ hard-earned retirement. For this reason, until Bigfoot ends the strike by agreeing to workers’ very reasonable demands, I won't buy any products or brands distributed at Bigfoot at any store, restaurant, or other establishment located in or near Bend, Corvallis, Coos Bay, Eugene, Newport, Roseburg, or Springfield, Oregon.
I encourage the manufacturers of these products and the proprietors of these businesses to temporarily halt their dealings with Bigfoot until the work stoppage has been resolved.