Bike safety can't wait! Let's pilot protected bike lanes on Cameron.
Chapel Hill Town Council
After years of delay, the Town of Chapel Hill is finally moving forward with building protected bike lanes on Cameron Avenue. Hooray! (We wrote a blog post about this here.)
But current plans involve using federal funding, which means it will be at least another two years before any improvements are made. That's too long to wait!
are asking the Chapel Hill Town Council to approve a pilot project to
install protected bike lanes on Cameron Avenue as soon as possible. This
pilot project will make Cameron Avenue safer for bike riders, mobility
scooter users, and walkers, and help inform the development of
permanent protected bike lanes.
We plan to submit this petition to Town Council. We have a goal of collecting 1000 signatures
of people in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. With your help, we can ask Town
Council to pilot the project and make Cameron Avenue safer.
Thank you!
Triangle Blog Blog, a progressive local civics blog serving Chapel Hill and Carrboro
Chapel Hill Town Council
[Your Name]
We the undersigned are asking the Chapel Hill Town Council to approve a pilot project to install protected bike lines on Cameron Avenue as soon as possible. This pilot project will make Cameron Avenue safer for bike riders, mobility scooters users, and walkers, and help inform the development of permanent protected bike lanes.