Sign-on to a New Declaration: Join nearly 200 former members of Congress in declaring that it is time for elected leaders to put country above party.

All Members of the U.S. House and Senate

American democracy is in crisis. "The consent of the governed" has been replaced by well-financed powerful factions, and the ceaseless pursuit of money by our elected officials. We hope you will join nearly 200 former members of Congress—Republicans and Democrats—who have signed the Declaration to Renew the Founders' Promise to say: "Enough."

It's time to:

Place country above party;

Remake the relationship between money and influence by incentivizing the participation of small-dollar donors;

Insist on a transparent political process that defends against foreign interference and allows citizens to hold their elected officials accountable to the highest ethical standards.

Click here to read the full Declaration.

America must, once again, be a beacon of hope for those who yearn for the dignity and liberty that only a truly democratic republic can ensure.

Please join nearly 200 former members of Congress who have already signed the Declaration!

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Washington, DC

To: All Members of the U.S. House and Senate
From: [Your Name]

With this Declaration, and our signatures, we pledge our honor and our urgent action to work together to renew the Founders’ promise — and restore a republic anchored in civility, wisdom and the “consent of the governed.” Through our common efforts, America will re-emerge as a beacon of hope for those in our own land, and those throughout the world who aspire to the liberty and dignity that only self-government can ensure.