Bonuses for Cabarrus Educators
Cabarrus County Board of Education
Our dedicated educators in Cabarrus are working harder than ever before to support our students. Staff shortages are forcing teachers and other staff to give up planning and personal time to cover extra classes and fill in gaps. Our educators are working themselves to the point of exhaustion to keep schools operating effectively and make sure our kids get the education and support they need.
Thankfully, Congress gave Cabarrus Schools over $61 million to support our students and school staff, and the District still has over $35 million available that we can use for staff bonuses. The district recently gave 6% bonuses to various central office staff and school administration, some bonuses totaling over $8,000. We know our school level teachers and staff are working just as hard, and are just as deserving of our support. We ask so much of our teachers and school staff, and it is only fair that this extra work should be recognized.
We are asking the Cabarrus Board of Education to give ALL Cabarrus County Staff members a bonus equal to, but not to exceed a total of $4000, including any one time bonuses from the district in the 20-21 school year.
Cabarrus County Board of Education
[Your Name]
The district recently gave 6% bonuses to various central office staff and school administration, some bonuses totaling over $8,000. We know our school level teachers and staff are working just as hard, and are just as deserving of our support. The best way to keep our schools operating effectively and support our students is to make sure our educators know we value them.
We are asking the Cabarrus Board of Education to give all Cabarrus County Staff members a bonus equal to, but not to exceed a total of $4000, including any one-time bonuses from the district in the 20-21 school year. Teachers and staff are bending over backwards to keep schools operating safely. We would like the board to use Federal ESSER funds to say thank you for the extra time and energy educators are putting in to support our schools and students.
Please vote to make this right at the February 14th Board of Education meeting.