No Donations for GW Day. Instead, Give to Gaza!

The George Washington University

A projection of white text on the front of Gelman Library reads "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea"

We are calling on the alumni community to pledge NOT to donate to GW, and instead donate to Gaza support efforts.

Each GW Giving Day, alumni, students, and their families are aggressively targetted to donate to the University. These donations subsidize ongoing investments in the Zionist entity and enrich President Granberg while she actively foments racist vitriol against her own students. As alumni of this University, we steadfastly pledge to withhold all donations to George Washington University and its affiliates and encourage our peers and families to do the same; GWU has a low alumni donation rate and we intend to sink it further until our demands are met.

As alumni representing decades of GW history, we can all attest to witnessing far more violent and harmful campus events including anti-women protesters, far-right speakers, and known war criminals hosted at University-sanctioned events, none of which solicited the same oppressive reaction from University administration. Unfortunately, these events reflect a pattern of behavior: GWU refused to divest from South African apartheid and responded with the same regressive fervor to students advocating for racial justice abroad.

President Granberg’s administration has targeted and punished Palestinian students and those who dare to speak out against the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Granberg continues an ugly legacy of racist callousness and hostility towards Palestinian students and their supporters. Whether it’s retaliating against university staff for providing trauma support to Palestinian students, punishing Palestinian students for flying the Palestinian flag in their dorm, or baselessly denying Arab students entry to campus events featuring Israeli soldiers, the University has shown its clear preference for Zionism over free speech and equal rights. Amid unprecedented levels of Islamophobia and violence against Palestinians in the US, we are not raising this issue for debate: racist and political repression of Palestinians and their supporters on campus is indefensible.

Stop funding genocide. Stop funding a university that criminalizes Palestinian students. Give to Gaza.

Direct relief to families in Gaza

Donate to UNWRA

Donate to Operation Olive Branch

To: The George Washington University
From: [Your Name]

As alumni representing decades of GW history, we can all attest to witnessing far more violent and harmful campus events including anti-women protesters, far-right speakers, and known war criminals hosted at University-sanctioned events, none of which solicited the same oppressive reaction from University administration. Unfortunately, these events reflect a pattern of behavior: GWU refused to divest from South African apartheid and responded with the same regressive fervor to students advocating for racial justice abroad.

Each GW Giving Day, alumni, students, and their families are aggressively targetted to donate to the University. These donations subsidize ongoing investments in the Zionist entity and enrich President Granberg while she actively foments racist vitriol against her own students. As alumni of this University, we steadfastly pledge to withhold all donations to George Washington University and its affiliates and encourage our peers and families to do the same; GWU has a low alumni donation rate and we intend to sink it further until our demands are met.

1) Reverse the suspension of GWU’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter and fully restore their rights at a student organization
2) Protect Palestinian students and their allies from harassment, hate, and racism
3) Divest from genocide and all ties to Zionist state

We hope these concrete actions send a clear message to President Granberg, the Alumni Relations Office, and the rest of the University administration: continued complicity will come at a reputational and financial cost to you. Our community represents over 1,000 alumni that reject our alma mater’s anti-Palestinian racism then, now, and forever.

Free Palestine from the River to the Sea.
من النهر إلى البحر، ستكون فلسطين حرة

Solidarity Forever,

GW Alumni for Justice in Palestine