Take the Pledge to Boycott Indigo

Indigo Music & Books Inc.

Indigo CEO Heather Reisman, through her HESEG Foundation for Lone Soldiers, helps fund the genocidal violence enacted against Palestinians, and makes her customers unwitting accomplices.

Across the country the grassroots campaign is growing to boycott Indigo until money spent at their stores stops supporting the Israeli military.

Every purchase from Indigo enriches Heather Reisman and her husband Gerald Schwartz (who together own 60% of shares in the company), who in turn have been using these profits to operate their charity, the HESEG Foundation for Lone Soldiers. HESEG exists to support the IDF by financially supporting foreign nationals—referred to as “lone soldiers”—to serve in the Israeli military. For example, it funds scholarships for members of the Duvdevan, an undercover commando unit known for disguising itself and blending in with Palestinians in the Occupied Territories to carry out operations. Reisman and Schwartz have funneled nearly $200 million of tax-subsidized dollars into HESEG over the last twenty years, in violation of the Canadian Revenue Agency’s rule against charities funding a foreign military. Reisman and Schwartz receive tax breaks for a “charity” that uses Canadian taxpayers to subsidize genocidal violence.

Indigo Books & Music Inc. is now suing and trying to force telecom companies to shut down IndigoKillsKids.ca in an attempt to censor the boycott campaign. Instead of ending their complicity in genocide they're suing a website sharing the public facts about their connection to the slaughter of Palestinians.

We have a moral obligation to name and hold accountable companies that are aiding Israel's genocidal violence. Join the pledge to boycott Indigo!

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To: Indigo Music & Books Inc.
From: [Your Name]

I pledge to boycott Indigo until the following demands are met:

1) Indigo Books & Music Inc. drops its lawsuit targeting Indigo Kills Kids and Heather Reisman drops the charges on the Indigo "Peace 11" protesters.

2) Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz stop funding and remove themselves as Directors of the HESEG Foundation and/or sell their shares in Indigo Books & Music Inc.

3) The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) holds accountable Reisman, Schwartz, and all directors of Canadian charities that fund the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and illegal settlements in the West Bank.