Bring Maricres Back

Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange, President, Seattle Central College

When our coworkers are in crisis, our Union is here to support our community. Seattle Colleges, do the right thing and bring Maricres back!

To: Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange, President, Seattle Central College
From: [Your Name]

In the summer of 2020, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, Maricres Tuliao and her family experienced multiple life threatening health crises which led to Seattle Colleges Human Resources alleging that Maricres “abandoned” her position. Maricres is a 20+ year community member, former student, and employee of Seattle Colleges; she is respected and cared for by many. Due to these extreme circumstances, she was unable to reach Seattle Colleges in time to let them know that she was NOT in fact abandoning her job.

Our Union, WFSE, is calling on Seattle Colleges to do the right thing and bring Maricres back to work!!

This could have happened to anyone in our community. We must support each other in order to preserve our own health and well-being for ourselves and families while being able to go back to a job that we are so dedicated to. We must show and speak about our value and dedication to the students, faculty, staff, and community while uplifting our core values of equity, diversity and inclusion. In Solidarity; as a Union!