Snap General Election now!

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister

The NHS is in absolute crisis and this government has proven time and again they cannot be trusted to lead our health service.

With Boris Johnson’s tenure as Prime Minister at an end, our NHS deserves a fresh start too. We need a #GeneralElection now.

Please add your name to back our call for a snap General Election now.

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To: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister
From: [Your Name]

Dear Boris Johnson,

The NHS is in absolute crisis. In England alone, the NHS faces 110,000 vacancies (1), 6.5 million patients are on NHS waiting lists (2) and COVID-19 is on the rise again with the number of people testing positive up 33% in the last week (3). And the situation is no better in other parts of the UK; a record number of patients are waiting over 4 hours in Scotland's A&E departments (4) and waiting times for hospital treatment in Wales have reached new record levels too (5).

You’ve rightly recognised that your tenure as prime minister is at an end; you need to recognise that the time for your government to be running our NHS is at an end, and that the NHS deserves a fresh start too.

We write as patients and staff because the NHS deserves bold new solutions and strong leadership to combat the crises it currently faces; neither of which can be supplied by the current government.

We ask you to call for a General Election to give everyone in this country the chance to have their voice heard to shape the future of our health service.

