Supporting the call for Scottish Parliament candidates to support UBI trials
Holyrood – Scottish Parliament candidates

Ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections on 6 May 2021 we're asking candidates across Scotland to put their name to our pledge promising to support pilots of Universal Basic Income.
Holyrood – Scottish Parliament candidates
[Your Name]
Even before the pandemic, inequality in Scotland was at an unacceptably high level. Over a million people in the country are now in poverty, living insecure and precarious lives.
The current welfare system is not fit for purpose. It has failed to support people in Scotland through the Covid-19 crisis.
Across the country, people continue to be excluded or unfairly disadvantaged by inadequate support schemes.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
We urgently need a system which guarantees security for all.
The creation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) – a regular and unconditional cash payment to every individual living in Scotland – could form part of the solution.
A Basic Income has the potential to remove the stigma that comes with means-tested benefits and significantly reduce both overall poverty and child poverty in Scotland.
It would allow everyone to maximise their potential, shape their own lives and spend time contributing to their communities.
By giving cash to ordinary people, a Basic Income would generate the investment needed to transform our towns, cities and rural and island communities.
It would provide protection for everyone.
Cities around the world, from Catalonia to California, are trying out Basic Income. Many have found that a guaranteed income allows their citizens to live happier, healthier and more secure lives.
The Scottish Government has already funded a world-leading study on the feasibility of Basic Income pilots. The working group's final report recommended that trials should go ahead in Scotland.
Last year, Glasgow City Council passed a motion calling on the UK and Scottish governments to carry out trials in the city.
Polling suggests two-thirds of people in Scotland support the introduction of a Basic Income.
Now is the time to build on this momentum.
The year after the creation of the NHS saw the single biggest improvement in the health and wellbeing of people in Scotland any time before or since.
A Basic Income could be our generation’s NHS.
Despite further devolution of welfare powers, Westminster policies are still failing people in Scotland. The time has come to test alternatives.
I am calling on Scottish Parliament candidates to:
- Support calls to pilot Basic Income in Scotland
- Lobby Westminster for the full cooperation of HMRC and DWP needed to pilot Basic Income
- Work with other members of the Scottish Parliament to call for a new economic settlement which includes trialling a Basic Income