Help me clean up toxic air pollution in Bristol

Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol

My name's Phoebe and I've lived in Bristol for 5 years.

Bristol’s got a big problem with air pollution. Levels of toxic nitrogen dioxide from road traffic have reached double the legal limit in some parts of the city centre.

Air pollution causes almost 300 early deaths in Bristol every year – even though almost a third of Bristolians don’t have access to a car. It also hits children, older people and the poorest hardest.

Air pollution increases the risk of children growing up with asthma and can even cause kids to develop smaller lungs. Children living in some parts of the city are particularly vulnerable to air pollution - these include areas like Easton and Lawrence Hill. I think all kids deserve an equal right to breathe clean air.

Please take a few minutes to join me in asking the Mayor to clean up the air in Bristol in the fairest and most effective way possible.

Petition by
Bristol, United Kingdom

To: Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol
From: [Your Name]

I call on you as Mayor of Bristol to do everything in your power to protect children's lungs from illegal levels of air pollution.

Please take bold action to secure clean air for all in Bristol in the fairest and most effective way possible.