Call On President Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency!
Senator Maria Cantwell, Senator Patty Murray, and the Washington State Delegation to the House of Representatives
We are asking our U.S. Senators and Representatives to endorse, advocate for, and vote for H. Con. Res. 37 and S. Con. Res. 9, which expresses the opinion of the American people that there is a climate emergency which demands a massive-scale mobilization to halt, reverse, and address its consequences and causes.
We know that President Biden is actively engaged with listening to the will of the American people, and we believe that the time to push him to declare a climate emergency is now. Weather cycles are getting worse, disasters are becoming more extreme, and everyone in America has been touched by the existing impacts of climate change; we can’t wait any longer to declare it.
Send a message to Washington's senators and representatives today, urging them to support these resolutions. We need to take the climate emergency seriously, and now is the time to put pressure on our elected leaders!
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Senator Maria Cantwell, Senator Patty Murray, and the Washington State Delegation to the House of Representatives
[Your Name]
As a constituent of yours, I am urging you to support the resolution in your chamber that calls on President Biden to declare a climate emergency,
For the last few years, the evidence has been incontrovertible: climate change is caused by human activity. Wildfires, flooding, drought, and other natural disasters are worse, and worsening. Worse, we are taking few, if any, steps to mitigate and alleviate the crisis we are living in.
In the next 50 years, the projected impacts of the climate crisis are extreme. Current forecasts call for the desertification of much of the United States, the deaths of well over a billion people from climate-related events, and a massive migration to the remaining temperate zones. The effect on the global population will be inconceivable, if we do not mitigate this crisis now.
We, as a nation, are failing to meet targets set in the Paris Agreement and other climate agreements that are intended to alleviate the worst of climate change. We are setting targets and goals, and then refusing to take the actions to meet those goals.
If left unchecked, climate change and the climate emergency will leave our planet largely uninhabitable. As a major driver of climate change and also a global leader in problem solving, the United States of America has an outsized duty to take the lead on addressing this crisis.
We, the undersigned, are calling on you to support the relevant resolution in your chamber, S. Con. Res. 9 or H. Con. Res. 37, and call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency.