Stop the Evictions of 40 Families in South Minneapolis! Call to Action & Pledge
Steve & Jennifer Frenz, Hennepin County Sheriff: Dave Hutchinson, MPD Chief: Medaria Arradondo

We stand with our neighbors and we call on:
- Steve and Jennifer Frenz do not evict these families! Put people over profits and accept the offer on the table to buy their buildings and keep them in their homes.
- The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and Minneapolis Police Department do not support or take part in evicting or removing these families from their homes.
We as organizations, neighbors, faith communities, businesses, and individuals are ready and willing to support tenants in defending their homes. Scroll down to see the over 50 community organizations who have already signed on and pledged their support!
40 families in South Minneapolis are united around a vision for permanent affordable housing even as they face eviction at the hands of their former landlord. These families have been meeting and running their buildings cooperatively for the past year, have been saving together to buy their homes, have raised more that $125,000 dollars from supporters, and have aligned $7 million in financing to buy their buildings and own their homes as a cooperative.
The biggest obstacle standing in the way of their vision is Steve Frenz, their former landlord who lost his rental license but still owns their buildings. Frenz, who faces criminal perjury charges, has not accepted the offer to buy the buildings and instead has begun evicting families in court saying he wants to renovate and sell the buildings.
Our community will not accept evictions in these buildings! Hundreds of neighbors from across Minneapolis and the country have already come together over the past months to support these families and neighbors. Join them by signing today! Scroll down to see the over 50 community organizations who have already signed on and pledged their support.
Estamos con nuestrxs vecinxs y llamamos a:
- ¡Steve y Jennifer Frenz que no desalojan a estas familias! Que valore más a la gente que a el dinery y acepte la oferta en la mesa para comprar sus edificios.
- La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Hennepin y el Departamento de Policía de Minneapolis no apoyan ni participan en el desalojo o el retiro de estas familias de sus hogares.
Nosotrxs, como organizaciones, vecinxs, comunidades religiosas, empresas e individuos, estamos listxs y dispuestxs a ayudar a lxs inquilinxs a defender sus hogares.
40 familias en el sur de Minneapolis están unidas acerca de una visión de vivienda asequible y permanente, incluso ahora que enfrentan desalojos a manos de su antiguo dueño. Estas familias han estado reuniendo y administrando sus edificios de manera cooperativa durante los últimos 8 meses, han estado ahorrando juntos para comprar sus casas, han recaudado más de $ 125,000 dólares de simpatizantes y han alineado $ 4.78 millones en financiamiento para comprar sus edificios y ser dueños de sus casas como una cooperativa.
Organizational Supporters / Organizaciónes Simpatizantes:
(to add your organization to this list email / para enumerar su organización aquí por favor mande un correo electrónico a
Steve & Jennifer Frenz, Hennepin County Sheriff: Dave Hutchinson, MPD Chief: Medaria Arradondo
[Your Name]
We stand with our neighbors and we call on:
Steve and Jennifer Frenz to not evict these families! Accept the offer on the table and sell the buildings.
The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and The Minneapolis Police Department to not support or take part in evicting or removing these families from their homes.
We as organizations, neighbors, faith communities, businesses, and individuals are ready and willing to support tenants in defending their homes!