Care Net, Put Health and Safety Ahead of ‘Pro-life’ Propaganda!

Roland Warren, CEO and President of Care Net

Can you believe Care Net is still moving forward with an in-person conference in Florida on 8-11 September? Not only that, but one of their affiliates in Colorado is holding an in-person gala on the 11th, as well.

While we always object to misleading and shaming people seeking abortion care – what fake clinics exist to do – this moment adds urgency. This is no time for anti-science, anti-healthcare, anti-woman forces to plan a gathering of followers from around the country to one of the hardest-hit states for this virus.

Tell Care Net to listen to public health experts: it’s not ‘pro-life’ to gather large groups of people indoors during a deadly pandemic.

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To: Roland Warren, CEO and President of Care Net
From: [Your Name]

I am asking you to disband your in-person national conference at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando in mid-September as well as all other in-person events planned during the coronavirus pandemic. [1] It is dangerous and repugnant to plan a large national gathering of participants from around the country during a global pandemic, particularly in one of the states that is currently hardest-hit by the virus. And affiliates are hosting other regional events, as well. [2]

As of late August, almost 11,000 Floridians died of the virus, and counting. [3] There is nothing ‘pro-life’ about gathering large groups of people – an activity condemned by clinicians and public health officials [4] – during a deadly global pandemic. Particularly in one of the hardest-hit states. [5]

Cancel these events now. Lives are on the line.

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