Stop silencing young people. No more social media bans.

State Legislators

Regressive states across the country are taking away teenagers’ online rights. It started in Utah, with two laws that create a Footloose-style curfew for social media and give parents complete control over their kids’ accounts, messages, and passwords. Now these laws are spreading across the country, and they risk turning the internet into a despotic surveillance state.

It’s true that Big Tech’s advertising model hurts kids and teens. But age-gating all social media, for anyone under 18? That won’t solve the problem, and it’s a direct attack on millions of young people’s First Amendment rights.

We’re in a precious place. Social media Footloose bills are advancing in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, and they could spread further, fast. Sign the petition to tell your elected officials “Teenagers have a First Amendment right to use social media. I want my elected officials to oppose social media bans for children. This legislation is a violation of free speech and gives exploitative tech companies even more access to our data. These bills need to be stopped.”

Petition by
Frisco, Texas
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To: State Legislators
From: [Your Name]

Teenagers have a First Amendment right to use social media. I want my elected officials to oppose social media bans for children. This legislation is a violation of free speech and gives exploitative tech companies even more access to our data. These bills need to be stopped!