Sign the Petition: Stop Attacking Working People

Corporate Billionaires

Corporate CEOs and wealthy special interests are once again attacking the middle class. This time, they're out to undo our freedom to join together to improve our lives and the lives of all working people.

It’s already way too hard for many Americans to get by, let alone get ahead. Now there’s a new case before the U.S. Supreme Court – Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association – that threatens to make things even worse.

America’s economy has swung out of balance in favor of these groups. They manipulate the rules to benefit themselves – at the expense of the rest of us. They’re trying to make it even harder for public service workers – teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters and others – to band together at work for better benefits and wages to sustain their families.

We’ve all seen the research showing that strong unions benefit the middle class. Working people have the right to speak with one voice with their coworkers for things that can sustain our families and benefit the whole community. But if the groups behind this case get their way, it will be a major blow.

Enough is enough! It’s time for these groups to stop attacking working people -- the very folks who work to make our communities better. Join us as we stand up together.

Sign the petition now:

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To: Corporate Billionaires
From: [Your Name]

Enough is enough! It’s time to stop attacking working people who work to make our communities better.

Corporate CEOs and the wealthy special interests can’t stop us from banding together to make our lives better.