Citizens on Strike

United States Government

The American dream has transformed into an unrelenting nightmare that persists to shake our conscience and erode the promises that our nation once held. The bold experiment in democratic governance that our founding fathers dared to envision has failed. Rather than a representative government, one for and by the people, our collective interests have subsided into obscurity as our nation's wealthiest one percent and multinational corporations continue their hostile take over of the country we helped to build.

Never before have we stood upon the precipice of a threat as what we do here in the present, with a Congressional majority clasped tightly by a political party that has, quite literally, sold our nation to a cult of greedy, oppressive, and insidious sociopaths. Republicans now govern through lewd acts of cruelty, wholly determined to eradicate every institution of government at the sacrifice and expense of the citizens they were elected to serve.

In the aftermath of the 2016 election that, quite possibly was corrupted and illegitimate, handed the presidency to Donald Trump and gave Republicans a substantial majority, the American dream that once seemed possible has now awoken us to a nightmare beyond anything we thought possible. As our hard and long-won achievements of the past several decades, such as civil rights, women's suffrage, and equalities that extended to our LGBTQ+ citizens are unraveling before our eyes, each day a new assault seems ready and waiting for us.

Our government has become thoroughly and entirely corrupted by a political infestation of greedy sociopaths who put their party and self-interests above not only their nation but in stark contrast to the values and principles they once exalted as the bedrock of their political platform. Today these same "patriots" cater almost exclusively to the class of hate-based quasi-terrorist groups, winning the endorsement of the white supremacists, attacking institutions of their government and launching a war on truth itself. With not a speck of shame, they've also eroded the trust and integrity of America's elections.

Republicans have allowed Donald Trump to drag them down into the abyss of unadulterated depravity. Whether it's the deregulation of necessary protections or restraints on corporations, granting even more tax breaks to the tax-dodging profiteers of capitalism, the petulant insults, and reckless foreign policy, America has forever changed beyond recognition. In the short course of only two years, our global standing has suffered as well, as we violate the rights & dignities of immigrants seeking a better, and safer, future or offending long-standing allies with insults and trade-wars, or backing out of previous agreements and treaties.

These are not matters of political differences or mere disagreements over policies; they are abject failures of responsible and sane governance and on other levels grave crimes against humanity. Much of what has been done is unforgivable and beyond redemption. It's a complete betrayal against the American people, and these acts can not go unpunished or without consequences. A government that fails to represent the will and interests of its citizens has lost the right to benefit from the contributions of its citizens through the imposition of taxation.

By making this pledge to join your fellow Americans on strike, by refusing to fund a government that has failed in its obligations to the people, you're helping to wage a peaceful resistance. Tell your elected officials that you won't be paying taxes to a government that has yet to earn it.
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To: United States Government
From: [Your Name]

I have proudly invested in America as a tax-paying citizen, building a nation of equality, liberties, and further progressing the vision of our founding fathers in creating a land of opportunity. While I haven't always agreed with the direction and policies that our country has taken, I have nonetheless supported the fundamental premise of a diverse citizenry where everyone has a voice and role in shaping our nation's future.

However, the route our country has ventured in the past few years exceeds beyond mere differences in policies and political theories. I am repulsed and ashamed of what my government has become in the short span of only two years and can no longer, in good conscience, be complicit in what I regard as an indefensible failure of sound governance. I will not fund a government that governs with indecency and depraved indifference. The immaturity, immorality, and incompetence is a failure of government on many levels.

The American people have entrusted you with the privilege of representing the people of this great nation, both in domestic matters and before the world. But you have taken that privilege, an honor that so few ever get the opportunity to serve, and turned it into something sinister. Such a violation of our trust can't be tolerated or forgiven, and it mustn't be rewarded or permitted to continue without consequences.

For the reasons herein stated, I will be joining my fellow citizens in withholding my tax contributions until the offending parties are deposed from their official position, and additional safeguards are instituted to prevent such travesties of justice from occurring in the future.