Clarkstown Officials: Cease Charges and Remove the Israeli Flag


Let our voices resonate in demanding a community that upholds the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and respect for diverse perspectives.

Petition by
Marah Helalat
New City, New York

From: [Your Name]

We, thousands of constituents across Rockland County are demanding that you cease all charges against the 15-year-old Palestinian student who took down an Israeli flag at the Clarkstown Town Hall. ​​It is imperative that you address this situation promptly and justly, considering the unique circumstances surrounding this incident.

we urgently demand the following:

1. Cease All Charges Against the 15-Year-Old Boy: The charges against the 15-year-old Palestinian student must be dropped immediately. Prosecuting him for expressing his lived experiences through peaceful protest is a violation of his fundamental rights.

2. Remove the Israeli Flag from Clarkstown Town Hall: We request the immediate removal of the Israeli flag from the Clarkstown Town Hall. Its presence is causing distress within the Palestinian community and reflects poorly on the principles of justice, fairness, and inclusivity that our community should uphold.

3. Publicly Acknowledge the Concerns: We urge you to publicly address the concerns of the Palestinian community in New City, New York. Engage in a constructive dialogue to understand the perspectives and experiences of those affected, fostering an environment of respect and empathy.

Additionally, we are aware that New City, New York, has allocated $398,388 to Israel's weapon manufacturing. United Nations experts have characterized the conditions in Gaza as a "genocide in the making." This ongoing tragedy is being financially supported, to the tune of billions, by U.S. tax dollars. Amnesty International has explicitly called for an investigation into what they deem a "cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip," investigating it as potential war crimes.

We will not be silent as you make New York a leading supporter of genocide- —not on our names and not on our dime.