Close the dangerous gate from the RAA to the A316 before someone else is killed

Transport for London

TFL has been warned on numerous occasions over the last five years that the vehicle exit from the Richmond Athletic Ground (RAA) onto the A316 is dangerous. There have been several accidents (including at least one where police attended) and numerous near misses because visibility is poor and because drivers only tend to look right as they are joining a dual carriageway.   Despite this the gate has remained open even though cars could easily be asked to leave via the Pools on the Park road instead.

Tragically, on 30th March, a 58 year old female teacher was killed by a vehicle coming out of the RAA as she cycled past the junction. Despite this, over 10 weeks later the exit STILL remains open. It is a scandal that this dangerous exit remains open and cyclist and pedestrian lives at put at risk every day.  

We call upon TfL to permanently close this gate with immediate effect and enable vehicles to leave the RAA via the road to Pools on the Park.

To: Transport for London
From: [Your Name]

Despite frequent warnings over the last five years that the vehicle exit from the Richmond Athletic Ground (RAA) onto the A316 (TW9 2SF) is dangerous, several accidents (including at least one where police attended) and numerous near misses the gate has remained open even though cars could easily be asked to leave via the Pools on the Park road instead.

Tragically, on 30th March, a 58 year old female teacher was killed by a vehicle coming out of the RAA as she cycled past the junction​. Despite this, over 10 weeks later the exit STILL remains open. It is a scandal that this dangerous exit remains open and cyclist and pedestrian lives at put at risk every day.

We call upon TfL to permanently close this gate with immediate effect and enable vehicles to leave the RAA via the road to Pools on the Park.