Tell Gov. John Bel Edwards: Commute Louisiana's Death Row

Governor John Bel Edwards

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards must act now to commute death row. This historic opportunity will prevent further executions in Louisiana and put to end our long, painful, history with the death penalty. Governor Edwards must schedule clemency hearings before the pardon board and then he must grant clemency, commuting these death sentences to life. Governor Edwards' term ends in January 2024, so his leadership must be quick and decisive.  

Petition by
Natalie Sharp
New Orleans, Louisiana
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To: Governor John Bel Edwards
From: [Your Name]

Louisiana’s death penalty is broken. We, the undersigned, urge you to act. It will not be easy, but the people of Louisiana deserve courageous leadership on this issue.

Nearly all of the individuals on Louisiana’s death row have applied for clemency, seeking to commute their sentences to life without parole. Yet without action from you, the merits of their applications may never be heard. Without action from you, these individuals will remain condemned to die at the hands of the state. We stand ready to support you as you rise to meet this historic moment.

Governor Edwards, we ask you to order hearings for every person condemned to die in Louisiana. We also ask you to sign their commutations when they reach your desk.

We, as you, have deep care and concern for victims of violence and their loved ones. Some of us who sign share that experience. The death penalty cannot meet the needs of victims and survivors. Our love and support for those impacted by violence will continue long after your term is over.

Governor Edwards, you have shown yourself to be a person of faith and conviction. Please show it again. Give every person on Louisiana’s death row a chance for clemency. This is a hard thing we ask you to do, but it is the right thing to do.