Condemn Mitch McConnell’s blatant hypocrisy

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell had the gall to condemn private businesses for getting involved in the political process -- when he has spent his entire career making sure companies that support him can do exactly that.

Let’s look at the facts: McConnell has long been a champion for Big Money in politics. Few have done more to establish and defend our country’s unfair pay-to-play campaign finance system.

He was one of the major forces that brought Citizens United v. FEC to the Supreme Court -- a decision that gave billionaires and corporations a green light to pour unlimited money into our elections. And just last year, a McConnell-allied super PAC raised $475 million from corporate CEOs and companies like Chevron, Mountaire Corp, and Koch Industries. [1]

Plus, he has been one of the most vocal opponents of the For the People Act -- a landmark bill passed by the House this year that would empower everyday Americans, rather than big businesses, in our elections.

It’s obvious that McConnell’s sudden outrage at the thought of corporate America’s continued involvement in our political process is politically-motivated and completely hypocritical. And the American people are not falling for it.

To condemn Mitch McConnell’s blatant hypocrisy -- and demand that Congress move actual solutions to get Big Money out of our democracy, like the For the People Act -- add your name now.


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Washington, DC

To: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
From: [Your Name]

Senator Mitch McConnell was quick to complain that businesses shouldn’t influence politics after the MLB decided to move its All-Star game from Atlanta in response to Georgia’s horrific new anti-voter bill.

But McConnell had no qualms about corporate involvement when companies were shelling out big bucks to fund his campaigns -- or each time he has bashed the For the People Act, a bill that would actually limit Big Money’s stranglehold on our democracy. We condemn McConnell’s blatant hypocrisy and reject his politically-motivated outrage.