I support the Congress For All plan to remake Congress Avenue as a world class public space!

Austin City Council

Congress For All

It’s Time to Reinvent Congress Avenue.
Let’s Do It Like This.

Congress For All is a bold plan to transform Congress Avenue between Riverside and 11th St into a a world class public space. Support this plan by signing the petition now.

The Congress For All plan will transform Congress through 4 steps:

  1. Enliven the sidewalk with 300+ new destinations
  2. Get people there with the best bicycle lanes in Texas
  3. Rebalance Congress from a thoroughfare to a destination by widening the sidewalks
  4. Try out Congress between 7th and 11th St as a car-free pedestrian mall

Sign this petition and tell Austin City Council: "We want Congress For All!"

Find out more about Congress For All

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To: Austin City Council
From: [Your Name]

Congress Avenue between Riverside Drive and 11st Street is failing to live up to its promise as Texas' main street. It's time for a bold plan to remake Congress into a world class people-first public space that brings people back and supports local businesses. The Congress For All plan would enliven the street with new sidewalk kiosks, install raised bike lanes, widen the sidewalks, and try out Congress between 7th and 11th Streets as a pop up car-free plaza.

Please approve Congress For All and let's finally enjoy a Main Street of Texas that lives up to its promise.