Congress: Pass the Save the Internet Act

U.S. Congress

In our 21st century democracy, everyone needs access to the internet. Everyday Americans rely on it for news and information and use it to organize, create, and communicate.

But in 2017, the Trump administration repealed vital national Net Neutrality protections -- letting profit-seeking Big Cable gatekeepers control what we can see and do on the web. Net Neutrality is the baseline principle of equal treatment online -- and without it, huge companies like Verizon and Comcast can intentionally block, slow down, or charge money to allow access to specific websites and online content.

Congress must restore Net Neutrality with the Save the Internet Act. This simple but vital piece of legislation is the best solution we have -- no gimmicks or secret giveaways to Comcast and Verizon. It’s a clean bill that does just one thing: reinstates nationwide Net Neutrality protections to ensure a fair and open internet.

Big Cable knows how high the stakes are -- and they’re fighting with everything they’ve got against the Save the Internet Act. They’re flooding the airwaves with misinformation and sending their expensive lobbyists to stop Net Neutrality in its tracks.

That’s why we need a nationwide outcry in support of this bill. Add your name now and tell your members of Congress to support the Save the Internet Act.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

We can’t let big corporations take over the internet and drown out everyone else’s voice. Congress must pass the Save the Internet Act and restore Net Neutrality -- preserving a free and open internet for all of us.