2020 Elections: Count every vote

Election officials

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a high volume of mail-in ballots this year -- which take a little longer to count due to how diligent election officials are. So it could still take days (or even weeks) to secure an accurate final result.

And that’s okay -- because ensuring that every vote is tallied is far more important than getting results quickly. If there is needless pressure to call a winner too early, we risk disenfranchising the millions of Americans who voted by mail and denying them their right to be heard in our democracy.

Let’s be clear: every ballot will be counted in this election, including mail-in ballots. That’s the law.

And no matter what candidates say or do, no one can declare themselves the president. That decision is to be made by the American people.

Common Cause is not in this fight to advocate for a particular candidate or outcome, but to make sure that every single ballot is counted fairly -- and that voters, not partisan political interference, decide the outcome of this election.

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Washington, DC

To: Election officials
From: [Your Name]

Every eligible voter who cast a ballot this fall has a right to have their vote counted and their voice heard -- whether they voted by mail or in person. Politicians do not get to decide whose votes will count and whose votes won’t.

We demand that every last ballot is fairly and accurately tallied in this all-important election year.