Count Every Vote

Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner

This isn’t about partisanship. This is about the basic principles of how our democracy works.

What we’re seeing right now in Florida flies in the face of that core democratic principle.

Through lawsuits and other means, President Trump and others are trying to stop the counting of ballots from predominantly Democratic areas in order to freeze the current vote counts in close races. In the Senate race, for example, Rick Scott is claiming “fraud” and trying to stop the count because he is only .2 percent ahead of incumbent Bill Nelson. Evidently, Scott and other Republicans believe that if we continue to count every vote, there will be more runoffs and more Democratic wins.

There’s a lot that we can do to fight back. The first step is to tell the Florida secretary of state that we are watching and expect him to count every vote. Sign our petition right now.

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Washington, DC

To: Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner
From: [Your Name]

Counting every vote is key to our democracy. People vote, we count them all, and then the candidates who win get to represent us. Elections should be about the will of the people. Unless we count every vote, we cannot be certain what that will is.

America is watching and we expect you to count every vote.

You need to put country above party. You need to count every vote.