Create a Public Bank in Philadelphia
City Council & Mayor of Philadelphia
A public bank is an essential tool for community reinvestment of public funds. The City can move its money from Wall Street institutions and for-profit banks to a Public Bank owned and controlled by the people. This public money can be used to finance much needed community projects.
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City Council & Mayor of Philadelphia
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We, the undersigned organizations, urge our public officials to support the creation of a public bank owned by the people of Philadelphia. Such a public bank would:
- Hold City funds as an authorized depository institution;
- Leverage those funds to promote low-cost housing, renewable energy and energy efficiency, public education, cooperatively-owned businesses, economic development in communities historically denied fair and equitable access to credit, and other programs that serve the interests of people before profit;
- Finance public infrastructure projects and reduce the City’s costs of borrowing;
- Be governed by a Board that is politically independent and includes voices from underserved communities;
- Operate with transparency, accountability, and democracy under professional management.
We request that you take all steps necessary to create a public bank for Philadelphia.