Cuts to HIV, STI, Hepatitis, and TB Prevention will Cost Lives, Jobs, and Money

U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, Department of Health & Human Services


The HIV community has heard that the Trump Administration may severely cut and possibly eliminate HIV programs and funding at CDC, including in the Division of HIV Prevention (DHP). Cuts to DHP would impact the work & viability of the entire National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP). Such a dramatic reduction in and reorganization of resources would result in many new cases of HIV and increase the already large numbers of people with STIs. Doing so will result in thousands of new cases of HIV, open the way for babies to be born with HIV, and lead to shorter lives and fewer resources for many people, creating even more missed opportunities for good health through HIV prevention. Please sign on right now to tell the Administration and Congress to fully protect HIV prevention funding!

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To: U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, Department of Health & Human Services
From: [Your Name]

The HIV community has heard that the Trump Administration may severely cut and possibly eliminate HIV programs and funding at CDC, including in the Division of HIV Prevention (DHP). Cuts to DHP would impact the work & viability of the entire National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP). Such a dramatic reduction in and reorganization of resources would result in many new cases of HIV and increase the already large numbers of people with STIs. Doing so will result in thousands of new cases of HIV, open the way for babies to be born with HIV, and lead to shorter lives and fewer resources for many people, creating even more missed opportunities for good health through HIV prevention.

HIV, STI, hepatitis and TB prevention are all cost savers for the United States. Each new case of HIV brings a lifetime cost of at least $500,000 per person and new cases each year will result in billions in new and what could have been avoidable costs for the U.S. health case system. Nationally there has been a 12% reduction in HIV incidence between 2018 and 2022. The Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative at the CDC has resulted in a 21% reduction in HIV incidence in EHE jurisdictions compared to a 6% reduction in other local jurisdictions. Eliminating the EHE funding will result in 44,000 HIV cases and cost $24 billion in lifetime HIV related medical costs.

Dramatically cutting CDC funding in a way that would counter the FY25 Continuing Resolution that Congress just passed would be an illegal impoundment of federal funds. Draconian cuts would result in states and localities firing staff, especially at many state and local health departments and programs that rely on CDC resources for preventing the spread of HIV through testing, detection, and response to outbreaks. It is unacceptable for the Administration to cut the nation’s effective and cost-efficient HIV response, as well as the critical responses to STIs, hepatitis and TB.

Instead of reorganizing CDC, the Administration must reorganize its thinking to ensure that it protects people living in the US from avoidable and costly disease and early death; and to ensure it avoids billions in needless spending at a time when CDC and public health leaders nationwide have shown that strategic investments pay off by saving lives and reducing costs.