Co-Sign the Letter: Stand with Dr. Blasey Ford

Dr. Blasey Ford

Christine Blasey Ford is speaking out about being sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. That’s why NDWA Director, Ai-jen Poo, joined other women to speak up:

Tell Dr. Blasey Ford: We believe you. You are strong. And, you are not alone.

To: Dr. Blasey Ford
From: [Your Name]

Dear Professor Ford,
We know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people. We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence. As members of the Senate determine whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should serve as a Supreme Court Justice, this context is critical.
The behavior you described was wrong and runs directly counter to upholding the law and promoting justice. He should not be confirmed.
We can also imagine how shocking and overwhelming it must have been to have your truths shared on a national stage without your permission. You should be the only decision maker about how your story is shared, if ever. We applaud your courage in coming forward for the public good, and we will be with you as you face the inevitable backlash.
You are strong. And, you are not alone. You are a survivor. Millions of us have your back. You and your testimony are credible. We believe you.
Your sisters