Defend DACA, Defend Working People

Minnesota's Congressional Delegation

The Trump Administration recently announced its plan to strip away protected status for more than 1 million working men and women with work permits under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS). These programs offer stability to immigrant working people and allow them to contribute more fully to our communities, our unions and our economy. Add your name to protect working people from losing their work authorization by defending DACA and extending TPS protections.

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To: Minnesota's Congressional Delegation
From: [Your Name]

The ability to exploit any person undermines standards for us all. DACA and TPS are crucial programs that provide work permits to more than 1 million working men and women, allowing them to stand up for their rights on the job. DACA and TPS holders are members of our families, our unions and our communities who have made positive contributions to our society for many years. Our entire workforce will suffer if these immigrant working people are stripped of their rights and status. Please demonstrate your commitment to raising wages and improving working conditions in our country by defending DACA and extending TPS protections.