Tell the Oregon PUC: Don't reverse your deal with Eastern Oregon solar users

Oregon Public Utilities Commission

Idaho Power is pushing a plan to make rooftop solar more expensive for their Eastern Oregon customers. They want to slash by 34% the credit you get for sharing your extra energy with the grid. This change would be retroactive on all Idaho Power customers who went solar after December 2019.

If Idaho Power gets their way, rooftop solar will become more expensive for everyday people in Eastern Oregon, just when it is becoming more available. Working people who are already struggling with high electricity bills will have fewer options to control their household costs. We should be giving the public more control over their energy bills, not less!

Idaho Power's proposal would also reverse the protection that the state of Oregon promised these customers when they signed up for solar. This would undermine public trust in the state's clean energy programs, and discourage Eastern Oregonians from investing in rooftop solar going forward.

Please sign this petition and defend your right to make energy from the sun!

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Portland, OR

To: Oregon Public Utilities Commission
From: [Your Name]

With the cost of living skyrocketing for working Oregonians, state leaders should make rooftop solar and batteries more available to everyday people, not less.

Unfortunately, Idaho Power has proposed to go in the opposite direction with a drastic cut in the consumer solar credit

These changes would be retroactive on new solar users, reversing the deal the state made with these households.

Idaho Power's proposal will make rooftop solar and batteries more expensive for everyday people in Eastern Oregon. It will also undermine the public trust in the state's clean energy programs going forward.

This is the wrong direction for Oregon, working people, and the state's clean energy progress.