Demand Accountability and Stop Union-Busting at Causa Oregon - Solidarity with Unidxs!
Executive Director Jenny Pool Radway & President of the Board Ricardo Lujan-Valerio

We, the Union of workers at Causa Oregon, won recognition of our Union - Unidxs Por La Causa - in March 2020. We have been bargaining to secure a fair contract for nearly two years .
On September 28th the Causa Management and Board Representatives sent a response to Unidxs Contract proposal that was unproductive and indicated unwillingness to make additional movement, and instead attempted to gaslight workers with anti-union rhetoric. Unidxs responded with an offer to return to the bargaining table, with hopes that with a new Executive Director in place, good-faith negotiations could begin anew.
However, this past Wednesday, November 10th, Causa Management and Board Representatives emailed to inform us of their intention to withdraw from bargaining, and unilaterally implement articles that had not been agreed to- effective immediately - under the claim that we were at an impasse. We are shocked and saddened that instead of seeing the on-boarding of a new Executive Director as an opportunity to return to the bargaining table and settle a fair contract, they have instead doubled down shameless escalation of union-busting tactics.
What is more, we are deeply disappointed that the Causa Management and Board Representatives, while not naming Dan Rowan, continue to defend receiving advice from a union-busting attorney whose career has been built on destroyed hopes of working-class people (including 7 years at the infamous Bullard Law - and is presently pursuing litigation against public and private sector Unions).
As workers at Causa we are also members of the community that Causa advocates for every day. Unidxs now turns to our community for solidarity as we share the truth of how far this process has broken down.
Since we organized, Unidxs Por La Causa has been in negotiations with the three Executive Directors (one interim and two permanent) . The extreme length of bargaining has been impacted by inconsistent commitment to the process by Management, with the overwhelming majority of progress on contract articles being made before the involvement of 2 separate union-busting attorneys.
Recently, it was brought to the attention of Unidxs that the newly hired Executive Director, Jenny Pool Radway, (former ED of Consejo Hispano) been observed using anti-immigrant rhetoric, “referring to the Hispanic community as ignorant and illegals…" in a position she was at for 2 years before her continued leadership became untenable.
This unacceptable xenophobic commentary, along with the creation of a hostile environment at Council, led to the resignation of several long-serving Board members.
These issues, explained in a letter signed by founding members of Consejo Hispano's Board (see below, addendum A) and another letter signed by more than 100 community members (see below, addendum B) were never addressed with Causa workers during the hiring process for the new Executive Director by the Board of Directors, nor have they been after a newspaper article (see below, addendum C) on these issues was released.
We, the undersigned, as the community who believes in strengthening the movement for immigrant rights and workers' rights, are horrified to learn of the use of dilatory and extreme union-busting tactics by Causa Management and Board Representatives. This strategy represents an unacceptable failure of leadership and violates the trust of the community of Latinx immigrants who have - for years- provided resources so that Causa workers and their families could thrive. We fully support of the immigrant workers who have been leading these on-the-ground efforts and join them signing onto the following demands:
1. The immediate resignation of Jenny Pool Radway or removal by the Board of Directors, and accountability and explanation for anyone who knowingly hid her history of anti-immigrant rhetoric during the hiring process.
2. The immediate end of anti-union tactics and Unfair Labor Practices, including;
Targeting workers elected to serve on the Bargaining Committee with disparate treatment
Subcontracting out the work of Union represented positions
Suggesting increased pay and benefits to not support the Union
3. The immediate cessation of unilateral changes and implementation of articles that were not negotiated in good-faith.
4. Settle a Union Contract that protects the following:
Respect and fair treatment of all staff and a dignified working environment.
Remaining in the Juan de la Cruz pension fund. This was a creation of the UFW and Cesar Chavez and is something that Causa should be proud of.
100% medical coverage.
Fair raises and living wages for all workers in the Union
Take the economic cutbacks off the table
Since organizing, numerous Union-represented staff have been forced to leave the organization as working conditions at Causa lag behind comparable nonprofits and fail to provide sufficient growth opportunities. Causa's Board and Management's current resistance to settling a fair contract, while pushing across the board cutbacks (including the removal of mental health days) for union-represented workers is harming our ability to do the work we care so deeply for.
The Union has remained, since it's public announcement, committed to creating a just and dignified workplace for Causa workers, many of whom are themselves immigrants and all fight with the immigrant community. We feel a painful irony in how the behavior of Causa Management and Board Representatives betrays the values that Causa has historically espoused.
Unidxs has filed ULP charges with the National Labor Relations Board in response to this breakdown. Therefore, though our hearts are heavy, our resolve is unbroken, we call on our community to support Unidxs Por La Causa in this fight for justice.
In solemnity and solidarity with
United For The Cause
- the Union of workers at Causa Oregon, CWA Local 7901
Nosotros, el Sindicato de trabajadores de Causa Oregon, obtuvimos el reconocimiento de nuestro Sindicato en marzo de 2020. Hemos estado negociando para asegurar un contrato justo durante casi dos años.
El 28 de septiembre, la administración y los representantes de la mesa directiva de Causa enviaron una respuesta a la propuesta de Unidxs que fue poco productiva e indicaba falta de voluntad para hacer un movimiento adicional, y en su lugar intentaron bombardear a los trabajadores con retórica antisindical. Unidxs, a su vez, respondió con una oferta para volver a la mesa de negociaciones, con la esperanza de que con un nuevo director ejecutivo, las negociaciones de buena fe pudieran comenzar de nuevo.
Sin embargo, el pasado miércoles 10 de noviembre, la administración de Causa y los representantes de la mesa directiva mandaron un correo electrónico informándonos sobre su intención de retirarse de la negociación e implementar unilateralmente los artículos que no habían sido acordados, efectivo inmediatamente, bajo la afirmación de que estábamos en un callejón sin salida. Nos escandaliza y entristece que, en lugar de ver la incorporación de un nuevo Director Ejecutivo como una oportunidad para volver a la mesa de negociaciones y llegar a un acuerdo justo, en cambio, han redoblado la descarada escalacion de tácticas antisindicales.
Es más, estamos profundamente decepcionados de que la administración de Causa y los representantes de la mesa directiva, mientras no nombran a Dan Rowan, continúan defendiendo su postura a recibir consejos de un abogado antisindical cuya carrera se ha construido en destruir la esperanza de la gente de la clase trabajadora (esto incluye 7 años en la infame Bullard Law y actualmente presenta litigios contra los sindicatos del sector público y privado).
Como trabajadores de Causa, también somos miembros de la comunidad por la cual Causa aboga todos los días. Unidxs ahora se dirige a nuestra comunidad en busca de solidaridad mientras compartimos la verdad de como se ha llevado a cabo todo hasta este momento.
Desde que nos organizamos, Unidxs por la Causa ha estado en negociaciones con los tres Directores Ejecutivos (uno interino y dos permanentes). La duración extrema de la negociación se ha visto impactada por el compromiso inconsistente al proceso por la Administración, con la major parte del progreso hecho en los artículos del contrato antes de que se involucraron 2 abogados diferentes antisindicales.
Recientemente, se trajo a la atención de Unidxs que la Directora Ejecutiva recién contratada, Jenny Pool Radway, (quien fue la ex Directora Ejecutiva del Consejo Hispano) fue observada usando retórica antiinmigrante, “refiriéndose a la Comunidad hispana como ignorantes e ilegales… ”. Durante su estancia en una posición que duró 2 años antes de que su liderazgo continuo se volviera insostenible.
Este comentario xenófobo inaceptable, junto con la creación de un ambiente de trabajo hostil en Consejo, llevo a la resignacion de varios miembros de la mesa directiva que habian servido por mucho tiempo.
Estos problemas, fueron explicados en una carta firmada por los miembros fundadores de la mesa directiva de Consejo Hispano (ver a continuación, anexo A) y otra carta firmada por más de 100 miembros de la comunidad (ver a continuación, anexo B) nunca se abordaron con los trabajadores de Causa durante el proceso de contratación del nuevo Director Ejecutivo por parte de la mesa directiva, ni tampoco después de la publicación de un artículo de periódico (Ver a continuación Anexo C) público sobre estos temas.
Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, como la comunidad que cree en el fortalecimiento del movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los derechos de los trabajadores, estamos horrorizados al enterarnos del uso de tácticas dilatorias y extremas de represión sindical por parte de la administración de Causa y los representantes de la mesa directiva. Esta estrategia representa un fracaso inaceptable de liderazgo y viola la confianza de la comunidad de inmigrantes latinx que, durante años, han proporcionado recursos para que los trabajadores de Causa y sus familias puedan prosperar. Apoyamos plenamente a los trabajadores inmigrantes que han estado liderando estos esfuerzos en el terreno y nos unimos a ellos para emitir las siguientes demandas; nosotros demandamos:
1. La renuncia inmediata de Jenny Pool Radway o la remoción por parte de la mesa directiva y la responsabilidad y explicación para cualquier persona que a sabiendas ocultó su historial de retórica antiinmigrante durante el proceso de contratación.
2. El fin inmediato de las tácticas antisindicales y las prácticas laborales injustas que incluyen:
Enfocarse en el trato desigual hacia los trabajadores elegidos para servir en el Comite de Negociacion
Subcontratación del trabajo de posiciones representadas por el sindicato
Sugerir el aumento en paga y beneficios para los que no apoyen al sindicato
3. El cese inmediato de la aplicación unilateral e implementación de artículos que no fueron negociados de buena fe.
4. Negociar un contrato colectivo que proteja lo siguiente:
Respeto y trato justo de todo el personal y un ambiente laboral digno.
Permanecer en el fondo de pensiones Juan de la Cruz. Esta fue una creación de la UFW y César Chávez y es algo de lo que Causa debería sentirse orgullosa en participar
Cobertura médica 100%
Aumentos justos y salarios dignos para todos los trabajadores del sindicato
Quitar los recortes económicos de la mesa
Desde la organización, numerosos miembros del personal representado por el sindicato se han visto obligados a abandonar la organización debido a que las condiciones de trabajo en Causa van muy por debajo de las de organizaciones sin fines de lucro similares y no brindan suficientes oportunidades de crecimiento. La actual resistencia de la mesa directiva y la Administración de Causa para establecer un contrato justo, mientras impulsa recortes generales (incluyendo la eliminación de los días de salud mental) para los trabajadores representados por el sindicato, está dañando nuestra capacidad para hacer el trabajo que tanto nos importa.
Nuestro sindicato permanece, como desde nuestro anuncio público, comprometido a crear un lugar justo y digno de trabajo para los trabajadores de Causa, muchos quienes son inmigrantes y luchan con la comunidad inmigrante. Sentimos una ironía dolorosa en cómo el comportamiento de la administración y los representantes de la mesa directiva están traicionando los valores que Causa históricamente ha abrazado.
Unidxs ha entregado cargos de Práctica Injusta de Ley con el National Labor Relations Board en respuesta a lo que hemos compartido. Por lo tanto, aunque nuestro corazón se siente pesado, nuestra determinación es inquebrantable, hacemos un llamado a nuestra comunidad para que apoye a Unidxs Por La Causa en esta lucha por la justicia.
En solemnidad y solidaridad,
Unidxs Por La Causa
- el Sindicato de trabajadores de Causa Oregon -CWA Local 7901

Executive Director Jenny Pool Radway & President of the Board Ricardo Lujan-Valerio
[Your Name]
We, the undersigned, as the community who believes in strengthening the movement for immigrant rights and workers’ rights, are horrified to learn of the use of dilatory and extreme union-busting tactics by Causa Management and Board Representatives. This strategy represents an unacceptable failure of leadership and violates the trust of the community of Latinx immigrants who have - for years- provided resources so that Causa workers and their families could thrive. We fully support of the immigrant workers who have been leading these on-the-ground efforts and join them signing onto the following demands:
1. The immediate resignation of Jenny Pool Radway or removal by the Board of Directors, and accountability and explanation for anyone who knowingly hid her history of anti-immigrant rhetoric during the hiring process.
2. The immediate end of anti-union tactics and Unfair Labor Practices, including;
Targeting workers elected to serve on the Bargaining Committee with disparate treatment
Subcontracting out the work of Union represented positions
Suggesting increased pay and benefits to not support the Union
3. The immediate cessation of unilateral changes and implementation of articles that were not negotiated in good-faith.
4. Settle a Union Contract that protects the following:
Respect and fair treatment of all staff and a dignified working environment.
Remaining in the Juan de la Cruz pension fund. This was a creation of the UFW and Cesar Chavez and is something that Causa should be proud of.
100% medical coverage.
Fair raises and living wages for all workers in the Union
Take the economic cutbacks off the table
Since organizing, numerous Union-represented staff have been forced to leave the organization as working conditions at Causa lag behind comparable nonprofits and fail to provide sufficient growth opportunities. Causa’s Board and Management’s current resistance to settling a fair contract, while pushing across the board cutbacks (including the removal of mental health days) for union-represented workers is harming our ability to do the work we care so deeply for.
The Union has remained, since its public announcement, committed to creating a just and dignified workplace for Causa workers, many of whom are themselves immigrants and all fight with the immigrant community. We feel a painful irony in how the behavior of Causa Management and Board Representatives betrays the values that Causa has historically espoused.
Unidxs has filed ULP charges with the National Labor Relations Board in response to this breakdown. Therefore, though our hearts are heavy, our resolve is unbroken, we call on our community to support Unidxs Por La Causa in this fight for justice.