Demand Action: Shut down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival

President Joe Biden

All advocates must join together and demand that President Biden take immediate action to end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in southern China.

This brutal event, which results in the barbaric torture and slaughter of thousands of dogs, is a grotesque spectacle of cruelty that has to be stopped.

It’s 10 violent days of mass murder in which dogs (and cats) are subjected to unimaginable suffering—being beaten, boiled, and skinned alive. Many were stolen from loving homes. These animals are sentient beings deserving of compassion and protection.

We’ve been promised change for years. Yet the violence continues.

Silence and status quo are unacceptable – this just cannot continue.

President Biden must leverage all of his influence and take a strong stand against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China before one more dog is butchered and put on someone’s plate.

The world is watching, and failure to act will not be forgotten.

Demand Action: Shut down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival

To: President Joe Biden
From: [Your Name]

Dear President Biden,
I am utterly outraged and disgusted by your blatant inaction against the cruelty so commonplace in China against dogs.

Your continued inaction allows 10,000 dogs to be beaten, tortured, killed and EATEN in the streets of Yulin, a city in the Guangxi province in south-west China.

You must leverage all of your influence and take a strong stand against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China before one more dog is butchered and put on someone’s plate.

The world is watching, and your failure to act will not be forgotten.