Tell AG Mayes No to Executions in Arizona!

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has announced plans to resume executions in Arizona in 2025. We cannot allow these executions to proceed.

We're demanding a thorough and immediate investigation into the legality and ethics of the drugs currently in possession by the Arizona Department of Corrections and in use of executions in 2022. The previous administration purchased $1.5 million dollars worth Pentobarbital compounding drugs, enough to make 1,000 doses. Where these drugs were purchased as been a mystery, the state has secrecy laws to protect those individuals and companies involved and complicit in the execution process. However, new information sources have reported the source of Arizona's lethal injection compounds come from a company called Absolute Standards, Inc. based in Hamden, Connecticut.

Absolute Standards does not produce medicines - they produce chemicals for calibration of lab equipment. They are not registered with the FDA or registered as a controlled substance manufacturer.

There is a real and pressing danger that these drugs may have been procured illegally or unethically, posing serious risks to human rights and the integrity of our justice system.

We're calling on Attorney General Mayes to suspend any planned execution warrants and conduct a full investigation to ensure transparency and accountability with all state and federal legal standards.

The time to act is now—failure to address these concerns immediately could result in the continuation executions in Arizona.  

To: Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about Arizona moving forward with executions and the legality of the current execution drug supply in Arizona. Arizona tax dollars have been used inappropriately in previous attempts to purchase death penalty drugs. With this broken track record we demand to know if the $1.5 million spent on the current supply of lethal injection compounds was obtained legally by the previous administration.

We urge you, Attorney General Kris Mayes, to take the following actions:

1. Conduct a Thorough Investigation: Initiate a comprehensive investigation into the procurement processes, sources, and legality of the drugs currently used in executions. This includes verifying whether these drugs have been obtained in compliance with state and federal laws.

2. Ensure Transparency and Accountability: Provide a full and transparent report of the findings to the public. Transparency is crucial to maintaining public trust in the legal system and the administration of justice.

3. Review Compliance with Legal Standards: Assess whether the use of these drugs meets all legal and ethical standards, including those set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other relevant authorities. Any non-compliance should be addressed promptly and result in the disposal of the current supply. Illegal drugs should not be used to legally kill Arizonans under state authority.

4. Suspend Use of Questionable Drug Supplies: Until the investigation is complete and the legality of the drug supply is confirmed, suspend any further use of these drugs in executions to prevent potential legal and ethical violations.

5. Do NOT issue any warrants for execution.

The integrity of our justice system depends on adherence to the rule of law and respect for human rights.

We respectfully demand that you prioritize this investigation and take all necessary steps to address the concerns raised by the public regarding the current execution drug supply.
