Demand early voting in PA
The Pennsylvania Legislature

Some form of early voting is already implemented in 37 states. Why is Pennsylvania not one of them? The citizens of PA deserve to have their voting access made easier and to not be limited to a single day. There are currently no bills proposed through the PA Legislature that would clear the way for early voting in the Commonwealth. Please sign to show your PA Senator and Representative that we want early voting!
Once you've singed, please take a moment to contact your legislators directly to tell them that you want early voting in PA!
The Pennsylvania Legislature
[Your Name]
Senators and Representatives of the Pennsylvania Legislature,
We, the undersigned, urgently request that you take up the issue of early voting without delay. This is an issue which has strong bipartisan support. 37 states in the union have already adopted some form of early voting. Please show your respect for and service to the people of Pennsylvania, who have put you into office, by extending the opportunity for early voting to all of us.