Demand Justice for Funny Biz: Victim of the Horse Meat Trade

Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis and State Attorney Bill Gladson

Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) went undercover at an illegal animal slaughter farm in Brooksville, Florida, where our investigators captured never-before-seen footage of a racehorse being shot, stabbed, and her flesh harvested and sold as a black-market culinary delicacy.

In the State of Florida, this is a felony violation under The Good Horse Slaughter Act that determines any person who knowingly transports, distributes, sells, purchases, or possesses horse meat for human consumption is committing a third-degree felony and is punishable by the crime for one year in prison and a $3,500 fine.

ARM presented this groundbreaking case and its evidence to local and state law enforcement and multiple state regulatory agencies to seek justice for the victim, Funny Biz, a prestigious tattooed, registered racehorse.

Local law enforcement, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, where the crimes are taking place, have yet to make any arrests and have indicated that no action will taken against Funny Biz’s murderer, Juan Ortiz, a notorious and violent horse killer.

The underground crime ring of killing horses for their meat in Florida is on the rise. Over 15,000 horses are estimated to be brutally butchered each year.

These animals are defenseless. They are voiceless, and they need your help before another horse killer strikes again.

Sign Now and Demand Action from Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis and State Attorney Bill Gladson.

Justice must be served.

To: Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis and State Attorney Bill Gladson
From: [Your Name]

Dear Sheriff Nienhuis and State Attorney Gladson,
I am utterly outraged and disgusted by your blatant inaction against those who slaughter horses.

Your refusal to arrest and prosecute Juan Ortiz, who was brazenly caught in the act of savagely murdering retired racehorse Funny Biz in cold blood, is beyond reprehensible.

Ortiz's monstrous act is a felony, and he deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law. Crimes against animals are heinous and should never be ignored or trivialized. Doing so only encourages criminals to continue their inhumane behavior toward victims who rely on us fully to protect them from harm.

I support Animal Recovery Mission's efforts to expose and halt this abhorrent cruelty – you should be doing everything in your power to do the same.