Demand Senator Steve Halloran's Resignation
Steve Halloran, District 33 State Senator
Join the Bipartisan Call: Demand Senator Steve Halloran of Nebraska's 33rd District to Resign for His Dangerous, Misogynistic Comments Against Senator Machaela Cavanaugh on the Legislative Floor
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Steve Halloran, District 33 State Senator
[Your Name]
Senator Halloran,
Nebraskans are disgusted by your vicious attack on Senator Machaela Cavanaugh.
This was cruel and pure aggression, and it is unacceptable behavior from anyone — let alone a sitting state senator.
After your vile comments, it's apparent that you have no business representing Nebraskans.
We demand your IMMEDIATE resignation for endangering Senator Cavanaugh with your despicable remarks on the Legislative floor.
We know intimidation isn’t new in politics. Neither is misogyny.
But your actions are a deliberate violation of the code of conduct Nebraskans expect their elected officials to uphold. And we demand accountability.
Please resign immediately. Nebraskans do not want or deserve this type of behavior representing us in our halls of power.