DEMAND that GOP legislators commit to removing asbestos from Philly schools!

Harrisburg GOP Legislators

A high school teacher who taught for 17 years in Philadelphia public schools was JUST diagnosed with mesothelioma. Health inspectors found that her school had ASBESTOS present!

And according to the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT), roughly 175 buildings in the school district also contain asbestos -- endangering the health of Philadelphia’s 200,000+ students!

Additionally, there are now reports of lead in the drinking water of public schools across the city!

Enough is enough. We can’t put our students and hardworking teachers at risk any longer.

Join the Fund Our Facilities coalition and demand Republicans in Harrisburg step up and commit funding to stop the public health crisis facing Philadelphia’s public schools.

To: Harrisburg GOP Legislators
From: [Your Name]

Enough is enough!

For too long, you have turned a blind eye to children and teachers in Philadelphia.

Fund our facilities and pledge to do everything in your power to clean up Philly schools.