Demand the DOJ intervene in the Tulsa Mass Graves investigation!
US Department of Justice

Sign the petition to the DOJ and demand they conduct a meaningful and objective investigation into the 1921 Tulsa Race massacre.
Ever since the City began its search for mass graves connected to the Massacre, the three (3) living Massacre survivors have been concerned about trusting the City of Tulsa and other political subdivisions of the State of Oklahoma to handle the remains of their deceased neighbors and ancestors with care and compassion and to properly, and meaningfully, investigate their deaths.
For over 100 years, the survivors of the Massacre and their descendants have gone without a single ounce of justice. Now, in the year of the Massacre’s centennial anniversary, we hope to change that, which is why we are calling on the DOJ to bring the integrity of the federal government to Tulsa to help heal these century-old wounds, by conducting a meaningful and objective investigation into the Massacre and answering questions that have long gone unresolved.
Take 2 minutes to sign the petition to the DOJ and demand they take action immediately!!
US Department of Justice
[Your Name]
Ever since the City began its search for mass graves connected to the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the three (3) living survivors have been concerned about trusting the City of Tulsa and other political subdivisions of the State of Oklahoma to handle the remains of their deceased neighbors and ancestors with care and compassion and to properly, and meaningfully, investigate their deaths.
As a United States citizen, I am demanding you conduct a meaningful and objective investigation into the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.