Demand: The Right To Be Cool
City of Toronto

The climate crisis is making our summers hotter, and we know that it's working people who will bear the brunt of that heat. Already, parts of the city without cooling systems are most affected - in the towers of St. James Town, Scarborough, North York, and Etobicoke. This is because landlords know they can neglect us and let us roast unprepared in the summer heat.
But it doesn't have to be this way: just over in Hamilton, a recent bylaw was enacted to set a maximum temperature of 26C in rental buildings. Toronto can do this too! That's why Climate Justice Toronto is launching this campaign, with these demands:
❗Implement a maximum temperature of 26C in residential buildings
❗Expand the # of, and hours for, cooling centres city-wide, and create cooling spaces in each apartment building
Sign this petition, and get involved here. If we want cooling in this city, we need to build power to win. We believe that the key to housing power runs through powerful working-class tenant unions who are united against the neglect and profit-motives of landlords and property companies. Let's organize against overheating and other tenant issues together as tenants, and take back power from landlords and building management.
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The climate crisis is making our summers hotter, and we refuse to be left to roast in the heat because of the neglect of landlords. Already, parts of Toronto are overheating, and tenants and residents suffer needlessly. Hamilton has shown it is possible for people to be protected against the heat, and we expect no less in Toronto for all working people.
We, the undersigned, demand that the City of Toronto protect its residents and tenants in particular through the Right To Be Cool:
❗Implement a maximum temperature of 26C in residential buildings
❗Expand the # of, and hours for, cooling centres city-wide, and create cooling spaces in each apartment building