Demand the Right to Repair your smartphone

European Commission


Newsflash 4 June 2020: Apple crushes one man repair shop - and Right to Repair - in Norway's Supreme Court after three year battle.

Sign the petition demanding universal access in Europe to affordable spare parts for smartphones and other electronics.

Update 11 March 2020: First victory for the campaign and a lot of work ahead! The EU paves the way for the Right to Repair in its Circular Economy Action Plan.

They don’t make ‘em like they used to.

Cracked screens, weak batteries, broken charging ports… We’d like to fix them, but instead we end up buying a new smartphone because repairs are too expensive, difficult or impossible.

Reducing the lifespan of a product may drive sales, but this comes at the expense of consumers, workers and the planet.

That’s why we are asking the European Union to give people the Right to Repair their smartphones by requiring manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei and Apple to design repairable smartphones and provide spare parts and repair information to all repairers and consumers.

Help us put an end to the throw-away economy. Sign the petition and demand better products for a better planet.


Früher war das anders.

Gesprungene Bildschirme, schwache Akkus, kaputte Ladebuchsen... Wir würden sie gerne reparieren, aber am Ende kaufen wir doch ein neues Smartphone, weil Reparaturen zu teuer, schwierig oder unmöglich sind.

Eine kürzere Lebensdauer von Produkten fördert zwar die Umsätze der Hersteller, geht aber auf Kosten der VerbraucherInnen, der ArbeitnehmerInnen und des Planeten.

Deshalb fordern wir von der Europäischen Union das Recht, unsere Smartphones zu reparieren. Dafür muss sie Hersteller wie Samsung, Huawei und Apple dazu verpflichten, reparierbare Smartphones zu entwickeln und allen Reparaturwerkstätten und VerbraucherInnen Ersatzteile und Reparaturinformationen zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Hilf uns, der Wegwerfwirtschaft Einhalt zu gebieten. Unterzeichne die Petition und fordere bessere Produkte für einen besseren Planeten.


On en fait plus des comme ca.

Ecrans fissurés, batteries faibles, chargeurs cassés.. La plupart d’entre nous aimerait les réparer et les conserver mais au contraire, on finit souvent par acheter de nouveaux smartphones car les réparations sont trop chères, trop difficiles ou carrément impossibles.

Réduire la durée de vie d’un produit augmente peut être les ventes mais le prix à payer est souvent lourd pour les consommateurs mais aussi pour les travailleurs qui fabriquent ces objets ainsi que l’environnement.

C’est pourquoi nous demandons à l’Union Européenne d’accorder aux consommateurs le droit de réparer leurs smartphones en imposant aux fabricants comme Samsung, Huawei et Apple d’imaginer et de produire des téléphones réparables ainsi que de fournir pièces détachées et informations liées à la réparation à tous les réparateurs et les consommateurs.

Aidez nous à mettre un terme à l’économie et la culture du jetable. Signez la pétition et demandez de meilleurs produits pour une plus belle planète.


Non li fanno più come una volta.

Schermi rotti, batterie deboli e connettori di ricarica non funzionanti…Ci piacerebbe aggiustarli, ma ogni volta finiamo per comprare uno smartphone nuovo perché la riparazione costa troppo, é difficile o addirittura impossibile.

Accorciare la vita di un prodotto può far aumentare le vendite, ma ciò avviene a discapito dei consumatori, dei lavoratori e del pianeta.

Per questo stiamo chiedendo all’Unione Europea di darci il diritto a riparare i nostri telefoni e di obbligare multinazionali come Samsung, Huawei e Apple a produrre smartphone che possano essere riparati e a fornire pezzi di ricambio e manuali di riparazione a tutti i riparatori e i consumatori.

Aiutaci a porre fine all'economia usa-e-getta. Firma la petizione e chiedi prodotti migliori per un pianeta migliore

To: European Commission
From: [Your Name]

We call on you to include smartphones in the forthcoming ecodesign work plan and develop minimum design requirements for smartphones and other ICT products without delay in order to extend their lifetimes in support of Europe’s circular economy and climate objectives.

Smartphones have rapidly become one of Europe’s most wasteful, resource and carbon intensive product groups. The annual climate impact of Europe’s stock of over 600 million smartphones is more than 14 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent, more than the annual emissions of Latvia.

Plenty of other reasons exist to regulate smartphone manufacturing, ranging from working conditions along the supply chain to end-of life impacts on soil and water. The current situation leads to European consumers being frustrated with the lifetime of their phones and independent repair actors facing barriers to offer repair services.

That’s why we are asking you to give people the Right to Repair their smartphones. Manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei and Apple​ should be required to:

• Design smartphones that can be easily disassembled without breaking the device;
• Make affordable spare parts available to all repairers and consumers;
• Provide repair manuals and information on how to fix their phones
• Commit to long-term security updates to extend the life of their products